Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The link provided today is a site called It's a lists of organic farms in your state.

I want to try to make it easier to buy local for everyone.

What exactly is organic you ask?

For meats it means the animal was given no growth hormones or antibiotics. Which means you and your children are not getting unnecessary hormone or antibiotic exposure.

For vegetables it means that the vegetables are minimally processed and without artificial ingredients or irradiation or toxic fertilizers

I found a site that will help with the meanings of the labels you find it's, which will help you discern between state's labels

The other side of the coin is finding foods produced as close to your place of residence as possible. You want to eat as closely to the source as you possibly can. Which means buying from local farmers whenever possible. Many farmers have situations where you can buy shares of their season and be provided with fresh fruit and vegetables all season long.

To get closer to your meat products there is one site in particular that can connect you with local meat producers who graze feed their animals. EatWild

There are many options to bring you and your family closer to the source living. Do some research!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links, Dandy! I have been trying to eat more organic food, and look forward to checking out some of the organic farms in my area!
